St. Paul Lutheran Church
617 St. Lawrence Ave. Beloit WI 53511 608-365-7064
WOW! The St. Paul Soup Lunch started 16 years ago as a “small group” idea. In
October of 2008, seeing the need in our neighborhood, we started serving lunches
every other Wednesday. By January of 2009 this ministry had grown to a weekly
Wednesday lunch staffed by a core of dedicated volunteers. The Soup Lunch has
been funded by selling cookbooks, grants, and multiple fundraisers. We cook
enough to serve 100 weekly, averaging 80-90 each week. At Christmas time we
serve a special Christmas dinner with a Gift Shop to enable our guests to select 2 - 3
gifts each, as our guests are part of our extended church family. Guests give back
by sharing extra food and paper products.
For the last 3 years on the 1st Wednesday of the month, we have hosted a group of
students from Beloit Turner who assist in serving the meal. Soup lunch is not only a
blessing to our guests, but to the Turner students and our members who serve. We
enjoy the fellowship that we share each week.
"St. Paul Lutheran Church is called to be an Inviting, Christ-Centered, Spiritually-Growing
and Community-Serving church where we are led by love to implement Jesus' teachings."