Ready to celebrate, reflect, and connect ?

Find your purpose & feel uplifted at St. Paul Lutheran

Join us for worship on Sundays at 9am!
New service time beginning March 2, 2025

For your convenience, our services are livestreamed each Sunday on Facebook and YouTube:

photo of red doors of SPLC church building

Worship together,feel God’s love

Whether you're seeking a quiet moment of reflection or a joyful celebration of faith, you'll find a place here.
Worship at St. Paul Lutheran is centered on the Word of God and the celebration of Holy Communion. Our community of faith is equipped to serve God and lead in our worship at St. Paul until we are sent out to love and serve the Lord as his hands and feet in the world.
Come and feel our Lord’s love and grace as we worship together.

"Come and be a part of something that fills you up, and sends you out feeling blessed. Come to worship, serve, and let God move you. We can’t wait to welcome you inside to feel God's love and experience what makes St. Paul Lutheran remarkable."

—Pastor Mike Rahlf

What's a service like at St. Paul?

Our blended-style service combines traditional hymns and praise music with a liturgical format, thoughtfully prepared to connect us with God and one another.
Wondering if St. Paul Lutheran Church is the right fit for you?
We encourage you to see for yourself!
Visit to experience what makes our worship services meaningful, welcoming, and grounded in faith.

photo of SPLC church service


Rooted in God’s Word

Find guidance, hope, and inspiration through the timeless truths of Scripture.


A sacred space for all

Experience God’s presence in worship through music, prayer, and reflection.


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Grow together in faith and fellowship

Build connections and grow in service as part of our welcoming church family.



This week's focus:

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
(Fifth Candle - Christ Candle)


This week's focus:

4th Sunday of Advent
(Fourth Candle - Love)


This week's focus:

3rd Sunday of Advent
(Third Candle - Joy)


This week's focus:

2nd Sunday of Advent
(Second Candle - Peace)


This week's focus:

1st Sunday of Advent
(First Candle - Hope)


This week's focus:


This week's focus:


This week's focus:


This week's focus:


This week's focus:


This week's focus:


This week's focus:

Happy 150th Anniversary to St. Paul Lutheran!

Making worship accessible, in-person and online

Worship with us from home

Can't make it in person,but don't want tomiss worship with us?

St. Paul worship services are livestreamed to our Facebook and YouTube pages every Sunday starting at 9am.

Join our livestream to stay connected wherever you are.

See you next Sunday!

Interested in deepening your faith or enriching our worship experience?

  • Worship is led by many leaders, in addition to the pastor, including assisting ministers, readers, communion assistants, and greeters.

  • http://thenounproject.comThe Noun ProjectIcon TemplateRemindersStrokesTry to keep strokes at 4pxMinimum stroke weight is 2pxFor thicker strokes use even numbers: 6px, 8px etc.Remember to expand strokes before saving as an SVG SizeCannot be wider or taller than 100px (artboard size)Scale your icon to fill as much of the artboard as possibleUngroupIf your design has more than one shape, make sure to ungroupSave asSave as .SVG and make sure “Use Artboards” is checked100px.SVG

    One way to make an impact is with our Praise Team, where you can share your musical talents and help create an inspiring and uplifting worship experience.

  • If you feel called to learn more about one of the groups below, ask a team member on Sundays, call / email the church office, or inquire via our contact form!

photo of St. Paul Lutheran Church altar

Altar Guild

8:30am - 10:15am

Serving on altar guild means serving God and His people.
We prepare and maintain the sacred space for worship, ensuring services run smoothly.
Altar Guild members serve on a monthly basis—if interested, please contact Sharyn Pann at 608-346-8910.


    St. Paul Altar Guild is responsible for the following:
    ● Preparing and serving Holy Communion● Maintaining altar linens● Changing paraments (the colored cloths) to reflect seasons of the church● Decorating sanctuary ● Miscellaneous tasks to prepare for worship

photo of Men's Breakfast group sitting in the interior of Beloit Family Restaurant

Men's Breakfast

3rd Thursday of each month
8am - 10am

We meet at the Beloit Family Restaurant (2780 Prairie Ave). All are welcome to join at any time!
Reach out to Chet Organ for more details.


praise team

Music & Praise Team[seeking guitarist and/or drummer]

Sundays (plus practice sessions)
8:30am - 10:00am

Join the St. Paul Lutheran Praise Team as we lift our voices with a well-rounded mix of familiar hymns and contemporary praise songs. 
Reach out to Music Director David Frank or Praise Team Coordinator Denise Organ to learn more. 


    Are you a drummer, guitarist, or musician of any kind?
    Then let’s make music together!
    Whether you're drawn to newer melodies or timeless classics, our music celebrates our Lord and Savior in a welcoming and joyful setting. 
    Practices for Praise Team are Thursdays from 5:30 – 6:30pm. For more details, contact David Frank at 608-751-4843.

cover of Gather magazine (Nov/Dec 2024)

Ruth Circle

2nd Monday of each month
1pm - 2:30pm

Gather magazine is the source of study.
Ruth Circle meets for study and conversation in the Gathering Room at 1 pm.
The contact person for this group is Billie Kenitzer.


photo of mason jar filled with coins with sprout growing from the top

Women’s Bible Group

3rd Monday of each month
6:30pm - 8pm

Women’s Bible Group meets in the Michael Chapel and is a group for women of all ages to gather in faith, reflect on Scripture, and experience spiritual growth together.
If interested, contact Katie Hassenfeldt.


    Currently studying:
    Women of the Old Testament
    Women’s Bible Group is a welcoming space for women of all ages to gather in faith, reflect on Scripture, and connect with each other. Meeting regularly, we explore teachings that deepen our understanding of God’s Word and build a supportive community. Through prayer, discussion, and shared insights, we uplift each other and grow spiritually, discovering new ways to live our faith in our daily lives. 
    Whether you’re a lifelong member or new to St. Paul, we invite you to join us!

Note about livestreaming of worship services

We share the Gospel with those unable to join in person while respecting everyone's privacy. By attending, you acknowledge you may be recorded from a distance. Thank you for your understanding and support in making our services accessible to all.